Thursday, May 13, 2010

Modern Scientific Advances

Our world has become more advanced and technological, thus scientist and inventors have been creating easy and useful products that help us to improve our way of living. However, it is very important that when we (citizens) are going to buy new inventions, reflect if this product is going to have more advantages or disadvantages. For example, we must think if the product is going to damage the environment or if we really need to buy it. If we citizens of the world do this every time we are going to buy something we will have a better and less polluted world.

Nuclear Power Problems

Nowadays, nuclear power could be the cause of violence around the world. What I make reference to is that the fact to poses nuclear sources makes a country to feel control over the other countries. Thus, the countries that have more power could try to take advantage from the ones that do not have too much power. It means to take all the benefits that a poor country can give to them within natural sources without giving them the money poor people ask for the source they took. That’s why having nuclear power is usually the cause of war in many countries specially the ones who have more power.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oil Exploitation a Big Problem

Oil exploitation has been a terrible problem that has produced a lot of money for ones, but too much pain for thousands. This phrase could be applied in countries like Iraq where people are suffering, starving, and dying because of black gold extraction. This social injustice happens because while the super power country is taking advantage of Iraq, it just probably cares about getting more and more money. For this reason, oil exploitation has become a big problem that not just affect Iraq but other countries with oil source.

Damage to the Environment

Since I received the first lesson in the course Oral Communication III, with Professor Olga Chaves, I noticed this course was going to be different and very useful not just for improving my English level but also to make a difference within environmental and social issues. When Ms Chaves gave us the course program, she explained that through the course we had to make a project where we would help someone to have a better life quality or a way of going green. Thus, putting it into practice has made me reflect about the importance of changing our minds and to start caring about social issues. Also, it has been a way of not being selfish, sharing with others, and realizing about the huge damage we, human beings, are causing to the planet. For these facts, I feel really happy about it because at least we students from Universidad Nacional are making a little difference among helping people and environment around us. Even though we haven`t finished our project yet, I think it is going to be a great experience and learning that made me change my way of thinking about people and environment to the rest of my life.