Monday, April 5, 2010

Already there is not Social Justice

Social justice is a phrase many citizens could use, but few could put it into practice. Nowadays, this issue is not being respected by the society because it is being influenced by selfishness, poverty, and corruption. Some people just think about their own benefits, it means that they usually look for their needs without thinking in someone else’s. They do not care about citizens that get hurt or affected while they are having more and more benefits. When some citizens get what they want, some others are fighting for what they need to survive. Second, the increase of poverty is also a problem that affects the social justice. Poverty is a 90% the cause why citizens steal or murder. The lack of money could provoke people behave in a violent way due to they do not have anything to eat or wear. Thus, they are forced to find a way of getting what they need to survive, even if it implies not to respect the justice, maybe they do it because they do not have other option. The last fact that can affect social justice is the corruption that society involves. Some governments use their strategies to get votes or any political benefit, so they involve citizens (especially poor people) to help them with their political campaign. However, when politicians are starting their campaign they show citizens the benefits government will give them if they are elected, but once they are elected, government forgets citizen’s needs and just think about becoming richer, without caring if citizens are starving or without clothing. To sum up and following society’s behavior, it is clear that selfishness, poverty, and corruption are three important aspects why social justice is drastically disappearing.

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